We are extremely fortunate to have a group of individuals that help us out on a monthly basis via Patreon. We like to call those patrons our Fairy Godparents. We want to thank all of them for their support with a special thank you to the following people:
Will M.
Bryan P.
Eddie P.
Heather P.
Megan P.
Being a part of the FGP Squad gives you access to additional content, giveaways and more! Plus, if you sign up for at least a $10 contribution you also get the exclusive Podketeers Fairy Godparent button as a thank you for your support!
If you would like to become a part of the FGP Squad family (aka one of our Podcast Fairy Godparents) you can use the 'Join the Squad' button below!
Here’s a little more info about why we’re on Patreon. Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any additional questions.
- Why are we on Patreon?
Patreon allows our community to help us out with small monetary contributions that help keep the show going. Our patrons are very special to us so we call them our Podketeers Fairy Godparents because of the help they provide us (or as they have dubbed themselves, the #FGPSquad)! - So you’re charging for your podcast?
No. Our main weekly podcast will continue to be free and being a Fairy Godparent is voluntary. We are, however, working on providing special perks to patrons that contribute a specific amount (or more) on a monthly basis. For instance, if you currently sign-up for (at least) a $5 monthly contribution you will get the exclusive Fairy Godparent button! We also upload additional content on Patreon for the FGP Squad. - So if it’s free, why do you want money from us?
Although the content itself is free, the equipment, monthly fees associated with running a podcast and keeping the website running are not; over a period of time this can get very expensive. Although we have a lot of fun creating each episode and interacting with many of you we still have families and full-time jobs that require a lot of our attention. Becoming a Fairy Godparent not only helps offset monthly costs for us but it’s also another way to say ‘hey y’all, thanks for the podcast!’ (or whatever variation of that comment you prefer).
We hope this has been helpful and hope you’ll consider becoming a Podketeers Fairy Godparent through a monthly (or even one-time contribution). Not only has the podcast been fun to make but we’ve met a lot of people that we now consider some of our closest friends. That alone is something we’ll always be thankful for.
We appreciate you coming by and thanks for considering helping us out with a contribution!