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let’s join the fight against cancer!
We are excited to announce that we’ll be once again participating in City of Hope’s Walk for Hope as we join the fight to find a cure for women’s cancers!
You can make a difference by making a donation using the link below or by joining our team to help raise money! Our current goal is to raise $1000. We would also like to encourage you to share our donation link as we work towards building a better future.
Together we can MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Thank you for your support!

Clark Silva
Here’s a couple of ways to follow Clark!
Legend: 200 Years of Sleepy Hollow
A huge thanks to Clark for joining us on this episode to talk about this exhibit!
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow has been a part of (pop) culture for 200 years. Here is how Clark describes what he describes the exhibit:
I have always loved Halloween, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow has been an intrinsic part of the celebration for me. As a contemporary symbol of the holiday in America, I wanted to analyze the history of the story, and how a tale written years before Halloween arrived in the United States became synonymous with it. This exhibition, Legend: 200 Years of Sleepy Hollow, seeks to trace the evolution of the Legend in popular culture, from bucolic folk tale to Halloween harbinger.
The exhibit will be running through October 30, 2021 at The Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center in Anaheim. They are located at:
241 S. Anaheim Blvd.
Anaheim, CA 92805
You can follow the link below for more information about the exhibit and to purchase tickets:
LEGEND: 200 Years of Sleepy Hollow – Muzeo Museum and Cultural Center
The Odd Mouse Shoppe
Check out the earrings that Mel has available for purchase in her Shoppe! Proceeds from the sale of these earrings will go to our Walk for Hope campaign in support of finding a cure for women’s cancers!
You can also check out all of the other amazing things Mell has to offer by visiting her website at:
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