Ep298: The changing of the guard

Mar 4, 2020 | Podcast episode, Podketeers

In this episode: This week we discuss Bob Iger's surprise announcement that (effective immediately) he has stepped down as CEO of the Walt Disney Company.

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Thanks, Bob! 

There is no doubt that Bob Iger has made many significant changes to the Disney Company that have helped turn it into the media jugernaut that it is today. Iger’s recent announcement that he was (effective immediately) stepping down as CEO of the Walt Disney Company caught many by surprise. Both and Iger and Chapek went on a press junket after the announcement. Here is one interview that they did with Bloomberg Markets and Finance about the changes.


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March Mayhem 2020

The tournament has officially started and we’re pitting the different Disney animation eras against each other! If you want more info on the status of match-ups and dates for each match-up click on the image below.


Until next time! °o°

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