Ep320: Muppets Now

Aug 5, 2020 | Podcast episode, Podketeers

In this episode: This week we talk about TikTok possibly getting shut down and we give our thoughts on the new Disney+ series 'Muppets Now'!

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Muppets again

The Muppets are back with an all-new show on Disney+ called Muppets Now. The show brings the Muppets into the “vlogger” generation putting them in scenarios similar to those you’d find on popular video sharing sites like YouTube.

At times the show feels like the skits are disconnected from the overall show making each one feel like they’re on their own YouTube channels and a couple of creative decisions make us wonder why they went in that direction but there is also a bunch to like so far.

For starters, Walter is back! We love Walter and the wonder that he brings to the show. The pairing of Uncle Deadly and Miss Piggy is magnificent! Plus, the skit involving Walter and Kermit is done well. 

Understandably so, this show brings a more contemporary approach to the Muppets but it feels to be missing some of that original Muppets magic that we’re used to seeing. We’re eager to see what else is in store for this show but we hope that it can find its stride faster than the The Muppets mockumentary-style show that aired back in 2015. 

Have you seen Muppets Now? What did you think of it? Leave your thoughts below.






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