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The names are wrong!
If you’re a Star Wars fan you may have already given some thought to the names of the films and how they may not completely describe them. TikTok user @fake.disney.facts (sorry, we incorrectly credited him by a different name in the episode) gave his interpretation of how he feels the films should be named.
We are excited to announce that we’re once again participating in City of Hope’s Walk for Hope on Sunday, October 4, 2020 to aid in the effort of finding cures for woman’s cancers!
For the first time, this year’s walk will be a virtual experience! Even though this year has been a less than optimal #WeStillWalk to help those affected and move us closer to world without cancer.
You can make a difference by making a donation using the link below or by joining our team to help raise money! Our current goal is to raise $500. We would also like to encourage you to share our donation link as we work towards building a better future.
Together we can MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Thank you for your support!

Muppets Now
For years The Muppets have been a part of the Disney Company but a lot of what they’ve done hasn’t seemed very “Muppets”. This has led people to believe that Disney doesn’t care about the Muppets. That was exactly the statement that Twitter user @cegoodman2 tweeted with photos of the episode containing a trail watermark for video editing software.
If I needed more proof that Disney doesn't care about The Muppets, the "Muppets NOW" finale provided it. Tonight's finale has the FX Factory Pro watermark pop up 3 times AND MADE IT TO THE PLATFORM. This license costs $399. Come on.
— Chuck (@cegoodman2) September 5, 2020
As of the posting of this episode, the issue has been corrected.
With so many of us now working from home, a license issue is just one of the many things that can go wrong. Was this a simple mistake due to someone trying to meet a deadline? We think so. However, we understand why people immediately jump to the conclusion about Disney not caring about the Muppets (heck, we’ve said similar).
What do you think? Do you feel this was a purposeful attempt to sabotage the episode or was it a mistake? Let us know in the comments section below.
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